Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kids - Picky Eater

If you have trouble with getting your children to eat try involving them in the process. Having them help make Pizza is a great place to start.

This weekend I was able to get a 5 year old who normally will only have Pizza with sauce and cheese to end up making his own Pizza with Tomato Sauce, Mushrooms, Red Peppers, Onions, we bit of Garlic , Oregano and of coarse Cheese.

Sitting down together when you are preparing all the topping really helps to have conversation about each of the ingredients as you are prepping them. Tasting the ingredient in it's raw (for the most part)Most Vegatables, Sweet Onion tiny piece, Oregeno,but not the garlic too strong for little taste buds. Having then taste in very small peices really helps a child to find out what it is they like and don't like rather then when it is all mixed together and what ever it is they don't like makes them not like the whole dish.

Much to my surprise I ended up having to limit the tasting of toppings as we started to run low. The Child's realization of red peppers tasting like juice opened a whole new world of veggie platter likes. ( Next Event )

In the end He was so proud of his very own pizza that he ate most of it (not to mention lots of veggies while we were prepping) And his sister who is also a pick pizza eater (cheese and sauce)

even ended up having a peice of his Pizza.

1 comment:

  1. That's great! It sounds as though you have a very willing helper who is going to eventually love trying new foods.
